If somebody used "ask seller a question" to tell that you may want to revise your listing? I was looking at handbags and somebody had this bag listed that I saw at Ross yesterday. They said it was leather and I know for a fact that it is polyurethane. So I just asked them if they are sure if it's real leather since I saw the same bag and it was not. Because if somebody bids on that thinking they are getting real leather, they would be upset! Then you have to deal with a negative feedback, possibly a chargeback, etc.
Cortney1982 wrote: If somebody used "ask seller a question" to tell that you may want to revise your listing? I was looking at handbags and somebody had this bag listed that I saw at Ross yesterday. They said it was leather and I know for a fact that it is polyurethane. So I just asked them if they are sure if it's real leather since I saw the same bag and it was not. Because if somebody bids on that thinking they are getting real leather, they would be upset! Then you have to deal with a negative feedback, possibly a chargeback, etc.
I've done something similar in the past. The seller completely FREAKED out at me though, and told me to mind my own business and that they would never sell to me. I would still confront a seller though if i thought something in their listing was inaccurate.
I would just contact Ebay. I did that once when someone was trying to pass off a pretty good Marc Jacobs fake bag as the real thing. That irritates me so badly when they put authentic next to a fake bag!!
I wouldn't be offended if someone asked or suggested I revise an item, however, I would not bother to send the question if I was interested.But I would not suggest or ask them to revise, I would ask, in this case is it leather.If the sellere has no bids maybe they will revise, if not maybe they made a mistake and will post the Q&A so that bidders won't be deceived.
The thing is,a watcher of the auction, it wouldn't be a mess I would have to clean up personally if a bidder is deceived.
I had someone do this and I was very appreciative. I was selling a travel set of B&BW products and apparently, the way I had them listed, it looked like I was selling the full-size products as opposed to the travel size. Someone e-mailed me and pointed it out and I was grateful because I felt like it saved me the hassle of dealing with an unhappy buyer.
I did contact a seller once about a problem with her listing and she was not happy at all. She was selling a flat iron for $99 with $99 shipping. The retail on the flat iron was only $120 so she was really trying to rip someone off hoping they didn't notice the shipping charge I guess. Ebay removed her auction though.
Well, the seller never contacted me but I just checked out their auction and they changed it to Leather-like. So they must have not realized because it could pass for leather.
$99 shipping, that's sneaky! I ALWAYS check shipping charges before bidding since once I ended up paying more than what I thought was enough. Ebay does not tolerate people who have overly high shipping. To them that is people just trying to weasle out of paying listing and final value fees. So if you did bid on something like that, I'm sure they would void the whole ordeal.