I'm still working on adding more pictures, but it's a start. I'll be listing some of my MJ bags, shoes, Juicy jeans, COH jeans, etc. later this week. Let me know if you have any q's. Thanks for looking!
http://v247.tumblr.com One cannot perceive beauty, but with a serene mind -Thoreau
Honestly it's because I have NO room in my bedroom anymore. If you saw my room you'd know what I mean. I have about 10 pairs of jeans I plan on listing too by the way. I also think I have more bags than I need. Some I still love and will never part with (Anouk, Stella, burgundy m.p., beloved Maggie), but some I didn't love as much. Therefore they hardly got carried so they're in great shape to sell. Proceeds will help feed the habit (Chloe this spring, I think)!
http://v247.tumblr.com One cannot perceive beauty, but with a serene mind -Thoreau