Well, my sweets is buying me a handbag as my graduation present. He's like a month late. He'll buy any handbag I want as long as it's $600 or under. I've been searching online for handbags and I'm undecisive. So I hope you can help. I'm looking for a bag that'll last me a while and I won't go out of style. Not too trendy.
I've come up with a couple. What do you think? Which do you like or hate? Any other suggestions on any handbags will be great! Thanks!
the kooba sienna for sure. it's even more gorgeous in real life and so roomy and versatile, quite a bit bigger than the scarlett, although that's also precious!
whoa lady! So many options! I'm getting really excited. I wish I could buy more than one. I've narrowed my choices somewhat..but I still don't know which one.