Earlier in the week I won this older Gucci bag off ebay. It's older and been carried before, but it is still in really good condition. Besides, I think it has lots of character. The seller was selling lots of gently used designer stuff and had great feedback. I got it yesterday and it's actually authentic. My new theory is that it's okay to buy designer bags on ebay if you want something vintage or lightly worn... anything brand new starts to get sketchy and the likliehood of being fake is much higher.
AND I just orded this Melie Bianco bag. I know it's inspired by something, but I can't figure out what. Besides, it's not a blatent knock-off. If I feel stupid carrying it when it arrives, one of my sisters would love it.
the title of this post could be honey is incapable of buying things she needs, and instead gets sidetracked by sales. the backstory is my office manager sent me an email saying it looks bad when i wear denim (it's dark denim) to work after she's told other people they can't (i think someone told on me) so i had to replace 3 work staples and i'm pissed b/c they were year round items, and i dislike spending a ton of money on seasonal items, especially summer ones.
so i go to the outlet mall to get 3 new bottoms to wear to work. i emerge with...
two pairs of juicy cords ($18 a piece) in tan & a rust color. they look like this except the styling is like trousers (slash pockets, flap pocket in back)
three ann taylor cashmere tnecks for $15 each. this style (i think, it's the one smash has on in a threadstyle post)
and this style pants, but in my price range (read $18 from f21)
alas i still haven't replaced my work bottoms, but every frigging skirt was tiered, it was so annoying!
sfclinevandy wrote: AND I just orded this Melie Bianco bag. I know it's inspired by something, but I can't figure out what. Besides, it's not a blatent knock-off. If I feel stupid carrying it when it arrives, one of my sisters would love it.
I love it. Thinking of getting one myself. It's inspired by a Costume National bag.
MissMee wrote: Here I go again!!!! There was a huge sale at the J. Crew outlet, so I couldn't resist: It's a tunic, even though it looks old-lady-mumu here. 9.98
Oh I love that tunic!!! Wish there was a Jcrew outlet near me!
Fashion your life as a garland of beautiful deeds. -Buddha
maya wrote: huge sale at barneys ... wish i had gone on friday instead of saturday. it was a total madhouse, but i did manage to pick up a couple of things: this wrap, for $79 (i've been eyeing it forever and it was the last one!):
MAYA! I've been lusting over that wrap too (on girlshop) but I couldn't get myself to pay like, $150+ for it. Ugh. You're so lucky!!! If they had another one, I'd so would ask you to get me one too. I just started to forget about it till I saw this post. ::sigh::