I got my bf's sister this bag for her birthday. I wanted to get her a wallet to go w/ it. It doesn't have to match, but just look cute together. Probably something around $150.00- give or take a little.
She turns 16, so she doesn't have cc cards and check books. It doens't have to be a huge wallet, but something big enough for her to put liscense, cash and a few other things in. Thanks for you help.
-- Edited by RyanJ at 14:28, 2005-06-12
I don’t want no part of your tight-ass country-club, you freak bitch!
from your post, it sounds like you want to get her a luxury wallet. IF however, you want to get something cheaper, my sister got this really cute wallet from Urban outfitters for $24. It was a tealish green with a buckle at the top (it had a hidden button behind it so that you dont' have to constantly unbuckle it). It is really cute and I want it!!! Just an idea if you want to save on the wallet and splurge on something else. If you want a nice wallet- I would go to Coach- maybe this in pink?
but a little thinner and the buckle doesn't go as deep into the wallet as it does on the MJ one. It is also a normal buckle with holes on it. It has softened nicely with use and every time I see it , I think, what a cute wallet. This MJ one is on eBay too, 7 days left, $49.95, if the urban one doesn't work out.