I have a bunch of lovely items- shoes, handbags, etc. that I'm looking to sell. Some are brand new (like never worn... I know-so wasteful!) and others are barely worn. Some are really good designer names too. They're all still very much in style and in great or perfect condition- they just, for whatever reason, didn't fit into my lifestyle/style, etc. the way I thought they would. I've been considering putting them on ebay (I've bought a lot on ebay- never sold much, but I've been reading with interest everyone's tips on here about how to sell), but I was also wondering about taking some of the nicer stuff to upscale consignment shops. Have any of you ever done this- do you find you make more on ebay, etc.? I'm also near a major city (NYC) so I could easily bring them to stores there- would that get me a better price for them? Thanks!
I sell alot at consignment shops and do pretty well. I don't really sell on ebay, so I can't really compare. Maybe you could try to sell a few things on ebay and a few things in a consignment shop and see how the items sell. I always mean to try to sell on ebay, but I just am too lazy (and I don't have digital camera).
i do both. when i go through my closet i do 4 piles.
1. charity
2. ebay
3. consignment shops
4. my future sister in law! (she has 2 kids and never shops for herself. so i give her the opportunity to "shop" in my closet when i get rid of stuff)
the difference between my ebay pile and my consignment pile is this: my ebay pile is more designer labels or stuff that has never been worn before. while my consignment pile contains more clothes that are mall-brand (like express, limited, etc.) i have tried to sell "mall brand" clothes on ebay and it just doesn't work for me. but i usually get a decent deal out of my designer duds on ebay.