Seller sent wrong color of bag and told me to send back. Shouldn't they refund the shipping since I have to pay to sent it back? This is resonable isn't it? Should I wait till they refund it then send the bag back?
-- Edited by Chic at 01:40, 2005-05-22
The seller just contacted me and is sending out my new purse and a call tag for me to send the other one back to them. I think this is a great situation! So excited! Thanks everyone!
yeah, they should definately refund the shipping. you shouldn't have to pay for their mistake. i'm dealing with a similar situation right now -- i'll let you know how it goes.
I'm in the same situation. I sent back a damaged item that was supposed to be new. The seller promised to refund my return shipping fees, but still hasn't. They emailed me a week ago that a replacement was sent but I haven't gotten that either. Unfortunately I stopped a claim I made with Ebay when the seller told me they sent the replacement. I should have waited for the replacement to come in before cancelling the dispute, because now I have a feeling I am out the $15. At least it wasn't more.
Make sure they refund your return costs, otherwise put in a dispute with Ebay/Paypal for that amount; they will refund the money if the seller refuses (and it comes right out of the seller's account anyway).
I would give them a few days - email them every day & if they don't respond file a claim. My general approach is nice email, firm email, threatening email. Paypal / ebay has been great & I have gotten my money back from both claims I have filed. Hopefully it wasn't too much $$??
Who do you have to probe around here to get a Chardonnay? - Roger the Alien from American Dad
Chic, they should definitely refund the cost of shipping the item back to them, since it's their fault. this happened to me once. the seller sent me a completely different item. she actually ended up refunding me a couple dollars more for my trouble, which I thought was nice. give the seller a few more days. If s/he still hasn't responded to your e-mail, request the seller's contact info so you can call them. What's the seller's feedback like?
thanks everyone. i will give them till thursday and then get a little more than nice. my e-mails last e-mail was firm, but still nice. it was $30, but the funny thing is that the color they sent me is going for $50 on e-bay vs. the black and white would think they would want it back from me...