I just bought my first nice leather bag and I have no idea how to take care of it. The associate at Nordstrom told me to spray it with the leather protector that I use on my leather boots. Is this a good idea? It's a bright green color and I don't want to ruin a part of it by doing a test spray if this isn't the right thing to do. Does anybody have any pointers?
All my leather bags get sprayed with the same thing I spray my shoes with - a basic leather protector from someplace like Target, or Nordie's shoe department, etc. I've been doing this for years and have had very good results. When I get caught out in the rain, my bags / shoes will "spot up" from raindrops but then once they're dry, you don't see the spots any more.
It also helps protect against spills - like alcohol, which will permanently stain leather. One time I did ask my shoe repair shop (which is a very good shop) what they use, and they convinced me to buy their (pricey) spray. I put that on a pair of new shoes and the very next week a friend of mine spilled her drink all over them...they were ruined. That had never happened in all the years I used the other spray. Now I'm back to using that, and have had no trouble at all.
"Good taste shouldn't have to cost anything extra." - Mickey Drexler
Thanks! I use the protecting spray from Target on my leather boots and my leather coat so I think I'll test a section on the bottom of the bag. I was afraid the spray might do something to the color, but it sounds like it should work just fine.
You might see the leather darken at first, but mine always go back to the original color. If you are concerned, try a small spot on the bottom or inside first.
"Good taste shouldn't have to cost anything extra." - Mickey Drexler