Okay I'm panicking, throat closing up, heart rapidly beating panic. I feel like every time it feels like we're ahead of ourselves we fall right behind again. I look at my checklist on the knot and it tells me I shoudl already have a baker booked , my guest list finalized, started registering for gifts. We havn't done any of that. We are 8 months away still. does anyone else feel this way?This overwhelming over your head drowning the whole wedding is going to fall apart feeling. Man I need a xanax. Okay sorry ranting here.
I'm thinking balls are to men what purses are to women. It's just a little bag, but we feel naked in public without it.
Carrie Bradshaw
I planned my whole wedding (90ish guests) in 5.5 months. Those knot checklists are for overachievers with multi-year engagements! (Which is great, if you have it..but makes the rest of us feel bad.)
"We live in an age where unnecessary things are our only necessities." --Oscar Wilde