this is on ebay, no bids yet and asking $150... I am 99% sure its authentic and the seller and been really helpfull and sent me additional pictures, etc. should I get it? Do you think its worth 150?
It doesn't look authentic from the pictures. I have a Chanel quilted about that size and mine looks completely different (mine was purchased directly from Chanel).
However, if it authentic, $150 is an amazing price (if it's in good condition).
I'd be worried that there aren't more closeups of the leather, hardware, andthe interior. From the distance the bag was photographed, it looks like there may be some scratches and worn areas. Also, does it still have it's original dust bag and authenticity card. I also have an authentic Chanel (different style and from this past year though) and I still have the original dust bag and authenticity card so I would imagine this bidder would because they are such an investment.
oh well, I think I'm gonna go for it. She said she guaranteed the authenticity, and will give me a refund if its not what I'm expecting. She also sent some more pictures and everything seems to match all the info that I can find to tell if its real or not... I think it's just different because its so old.