Has anyone had crystals put on their cell phones like the Hilton Sisters? The sites that I checked out want to charge $300. Thats more than I paid for the darn thing? Has anyone tried to do this themselves?
I did it in high school, it was pretty easy, but I remember it taking a long time for some reason. It came out really good!!!! I used nail glue and I got the crystals at the craft store.
I have one, my hubby got it for me on ebay for about $75. Just search under cell phone accessories and type in crystals and I think you should find plenty. A lot of sellers will custom make them for you. I love my phone and for the record, had it before the Hilton sisters
I have a crafty friend that just did hers. She used Nail glue and crystals from a craft store too. It worked awesome and looks really cool. Nail glue drys pretty fast too, so you don't have to be without your phone for the whole day!
I think they look really cute but be careful because some of the customization you can do to your cellphone can void the warranty. I found that out the hard way. :(
I customized a pair of Dr Scholl's last summer (with the Swarovskis - I got the crystals on eBay). It was painstaking but it ended up really nice. $300 is WAY too much.
"Don't be cool. Cool is conservative fear dressed in black. Don't limit yourself in this way." - Bruce Mau
I did mine myself and it was super easy. a bunch of the crystals have fallen off though so it needs some touch ups!!! I just used craft clue and pink swarovskis-- just a warning though, the swarovskis are expensive, i prob paid $70 in supplies! i love it though! it gets alot of attention.