I'm really not a leading authority on Coach bags but the seams on the bottom of the bag look a little off to me, but since I don't think they make the bag anymore I can't find a pic. of it on the website. The seller won't let you read their feedback, so I say let this one slide. The bag itself is nice but I'm so sure about this particular bag.
I didn't get it. I think it's too conservative for me. I want something fairly roomy, but not huge. Unstructured, but not totally boho/hippy. Black. And under $100. I would love to have help finding something if anyone has ideas! Thanks!
Forget, forgive, conclude, and be agreed. - Shakespeare
I have this bag and you can fit a ton it it, but it doesn't look huge. It also holds up really well, I throw it around, use it for my notebook for classs (I have a small notebook) etc. and it still looks as good as the day I bought it last year.