but this bag is very appealing to me! I know alot of you love Coach bags, but they have never really been my thing. This one seems extra cute but also seems tres pricey $498!
I am not going to buy it... I am saving my money for a dream bag. No more splurges on mid-level bags for me. (we'll see how long this idea lasts)
I like that bag, but then I am a fan of coach (especially Hampton styles). And I know what you mean about always spending on mid-range bags. I spend $300-$500 on each Coach bag, and if I just forgo two bags I could get something real nice, but alas, like you I have not been able to hold out yet. This year!
Dot, I couldnt agree more... am not usually into Coach either but those are gorgeous!!! I usually like their limited edition bags more than their staples.