I took stock of a few things in my wardrobe that I hope can work...I took the internship at the agency (will be refusing if I get to work at the animation studio). No matter what, I'm pretty sure I have to wear "business casual" at either place.
1. I own a dress very similar to this already, but in black (it's been on the Anthro website forever, but they just took it off). Can I just wear a sweater or blazer over it and call it a day? Or is this a "no"?
2. I also own and love this blazer...would it be considered a "conservative" or "wild" piece. I wear it now a bit punked up with chains and pearls, jeans and trashed Chucks (occasinally adding Avril Lavigne eyeliner to it), which I guess isn't exactly appropriate for the workplace.
3. I own the top this model is wearing. Is this appropriate when it gets warmer? (Again, I usually wear this with jeans or denim minis, but that won't fly )
(it looks essentially just like this one)
PS: Comfort is a HUGE issue for me, because I'll be working 5 days a week and I have to go to class in these clothes as well. And I live in Los Angeles...so cold weather isn't an issue.