I have the Wonder Shoulder bag that Detroit posted. I can fit my wallet, checkbook, small make-up case, cell phone and eyeglass case in it and the straps are long enough to wear over the shoulder. I love this bag! It's the perfect size, it's not dated and it doesn't take away from a great outfit, but can add to something very casual. This is a great first MJ bag and worth the investment. I bought mine from his first collection 4 or 5 years ago and still use it on a weekly basis.
Joining the party a little late but you know how I love my MJ bags. Out of the those four, I have a MP and a Stella. The Stella is not an everyday bag, it's an everyday tote. I can fit a couple of magazines, work documents, wallet, snack and a bottle of water easily. The most everyday bag out of those you listed, IMO, is the multipocket. Be careful, because MPs come in two sizes, of which I'd pick the smaller one. What I love about the small multi is that its shape is very forgiving. The Anouk and Sophia can look bulky if you're not v. careful. The larger MP is huge. The Venetia is huge as well, and you can't fit it over your shoulder (sorry if I'm repeating what has already been said). It's beautiful but not practical. The Blake is my latest love. I was really close to getting one when scoop and barneys had them on sale, but I resisted temptation. I might still get one if I happen to see a well-priced one somewhere. It's also big though, much bigger than an Anouk for example. By the way, did you see he's going back to the buckle closures? That is so awesome. I was just telling someone that I have too many pushlock bags and have to stop buying MJs for that reason. What do you know, I make that decision and now he's back to buckles, my first love. *Sigh* When will it ever end?
http://v247.tumblr.com One cannot perceive beauty, but with a serene mind -Thoreau
You've actually been really helpful..after Farrah told me the quinn is really small I started thinking about returning it for the multipocket or blake...
your review was perfect...very helpful thanks!
there is a another bag he makes that's similar to the Quinn but larger..
I'm also thinking about that one..
too many choices and I can only get one! (for now at least)
The large shoulder purse in plum...I love it. It's the size I like and the color is versatile. I almost went with the blake but decided against it last minute...it's a little too girly for my style of dressing :)