That model looks like she has strangely fat ankles. Or the angle is wrong - I've noticed that one of the websites - goclothing I think, takes very unflattering pictures of their models in jeans/pants. They always look stumpy legged and borderline chubby.
I *have* seen these gauchos look okay on people - Jessica Simpson wore them well, but she's pretty thin.
"Don't be cool. Cool is conservative fear dressed in black. Don't limit yourself in this way." - Bruce Mau
The stumpiness is emphasized because the picture is cut off at the waist. I honestly think if they showed a head to toe shot on the same model, the legs wouldn't look that bad.
i have those pants, and they look good on me. not saying that b/c i have them -- but my mom even complimented me on them and she is the first person to let me know if i look fat, stumpy, or otherwise unattractive. i think that model just has thicker ankles, so it's not the most flattering picture. but i feel like stores should employ people solely to remove unflattering pictures of clothing from websites and catalogs. i've seen so many sites where the models just look bad in the clothes, and honesly who is going to buy something that looks bad on a model.