I found this Goldenbleu Luella for $165 (originally $650). I have a Goldenbleu bag already, and the quality is wonderful. I like this bag because I think it's professional looking, but with a lighter feel, and I think the white's pretty versatile. Is this bag as wonderful as my sale goggles are telling me it is?
I would really like it if it didn't have that coin purse business going on. Having said that, if you like the coin purse, I do think it will be versatile.
Fashion is art you live your life in. - Devil Wears Prada | formerly ttara123
I think it'd be cuter in a different color. That being said, if it's not a final sale item, I think it might be worth ordering to see if you love it in person. If it is final sale though, I'd pass.
I have it in red and love it, but I'm not crazy about it in white. Is it a white bag you want or just this style?
The coin purse aspect comes in handy for me because I live in NYC and keep my MetroCard in that pocket, which is very convenient, but I can see why it would give off an old lady vibe.