I like to go to walgreens and spend $20 on really random but fun stuff. It usually involves a magazine and new nail polish. Then I take the mag and read it at my favorite coffee place with a giant latte. Once I got a pack of pretty note cards and wrote notes to friends and my grandma.
I also love to clean out my closet and reorganize my clothes. I try new outfits and accessories. I always come up with a few new ideas.
i don't know! i think the best thing to do (and what i am going to try to do) is either ransack your closet and decide what you don't need and sell/return if you can or skip messageboards that add extra temptation!
ugh Kitty I totally feel you. I have the strongest desire to shop lately but I'm kind of broke. I've actually considered just saying f*** it and racking up my credit card. (Fortunatley my common sense always takes hold and I never do it)
It's funny how many of us are suggesting that you still buy stuff...
I was thinking that it could be fun to give yourself a $5.00 allowance on iTunes. That way, you're buying something, you get to enjoy it now and in the future, and it doesn't cost a lot.
This is usually the case with me. I want to shop, but I'm low on cash. Here are some ideas:
-I save any giftcards I get from people and use them to go shopping when I'm broke.
-Buy some accessories that don't cost a lot of money at stores such as target, Walmart, or Kohl's. (I actually got a quite a few cute necklaces from Kohl's recently, and I don't even like the store...I had a gift card you see.)
-Buy cheap makeup or hair products and play with your look.
Non buying:
-Clean out your closets and drawers. Maybe sell stuff you don't want afterwards for shopping money. -Try to make different outfit combinations with what you have. -Rearrange or clean room(s) in your house, (I don't know why but this always helps/distracts me from shopping)
I usually just look at my bank statement, and then at the calendar to check how long until I get paid again and that usually cures any shopping wants.
I'm also brilliant at putting five hundred dollars worth of things into random shopping carts and then never actually hitting the submit button. That usually works for me. Just make sure it's not a sight that you have stored credit info on!
"But I want you to remember, I intend this breast satirically." Susan from Coupling
Adding to my Kaboodle lists does it for me. I window shop online and add the stuff I want to my lists. It's kind of like shopping now for the stuff, but buying later when I have the money.
I'm also brilliant at putting five hundred dollars worth of things into random shopping carts and then never actually hitting the submit button. That usually works for me. Just make sure it's not a sight that you have stored credit info on!
I do this too ! Or sometimes I'll actually buy a bunch of stuff (online or in store) try it all on at home, finally decide I don't need it, and take it all back . Or I'll order stuff to try on for 'research' purposes, so I'll know what size to get when an item goes on sale ...
To be yourself in a world that is constantly trying to make you something else is the greatest accomplishment ~ {Ralph Waldo Emerson}
My shopping urges have subsided quite a bit lately! Here are my tips:
I do what relrel does, I take a look at my checkbook, write down all my bills for the next month, income, and see what I have available to spend. That way if I need to save, I SAVE! Or if I need to buy something I know hot much I can spend.
The last thing I do is go out somewhere and just buy $20 worth of crap. A trip to the grocery store usually does it and I get food I need which usually includes an indulgant treat!
I'm also a Kaboodler like Cahabo. I shop for things online and once I put them on my list, it's nearly as satisfying as buying it!
I know this sounds rediculous but when I get crazy desires to shop, I actually shop but make sure I don't have the right cards/enough cash to do damage. I find that once I pull items and try them on, the desire will subside and I feel satisfied even if I don't buy anything.
I'm also brilliant at putting five hundred dollars worth of things into random shopping carts and then never actually hitting the submit button. That usually works for me. Just make sure it's not a sight that you have stored credit info on!
I do this too. Or I play around on polyvore for an hour - sort of like shopping, but no actual buying!
Sometimes if i want to shop, i spend the day cleaning and organizing- it makes me realize how much sh*t I have and how little I need! You could always go through everything, list on eBay, and buy one thing that is nice. I like trading 10 things I don't wear for 1 nice thing. It takes up so much less space! I also like indulging myself in other ways- taking a good book to a coffee shop and reading for hours on a sunday, having a pot luck dinner with friends, baking something for friends/coworkers, going on a walk, going to the gym, researching future vacations, browsing new music reviews, etc.