One of my cousins wants a keyboard for Christmas, he's 24 and pretty serious about writing music so I want to get him a nice one but no nothing about music or keyboards at all. Can anyone recommend a good brand or type to buy? No real price limit because there are 5 of us pitching in for it. TIA!
I'm thinking balls are to men what purses are to women. It's just a little bag, but we feel naked in public without it.
Carrie Bradshaw
My dad got my sister and I a Yamaha for Christmas about 10 years ago and it's still great today! It does so much stuff it's amazing (of course I still haven't figured out how to do half of what it's capable of!).
I have also heard good things about Yamaha. You might check Yelp (do Chicagoans use Yelp?) and see which music stores get the best reviews from serious musicians, and then go talk to them about the pros and cons of different brands and models.