I own a Speedy and it was one of the best handbag purchases ever. I'd get the 30 because you can haul a ton of stuff in it. I have a 25 and it's enough for me, but sometimes I keep wishing I'd gotten the 30 instead. Yes, there are a billion fakes, but anyone who knows anything about LV will be able to tell a fake from the real thing. If not the Speedy, then the MJ satchel is very pretty too.
It's a classic - the last one is gorgeous - but the Speedy is a classic
As far as LV's go, I don't think that is one that I would go for both in terms of convenience (since it is hand-held) and style. But take that with a grain of salt since I'm not hugely into logos in general these days. The MJ gets my vote! It is gorgeous.
Every MJ bag I have fondled has been heavy, but I've never seen that one and it looks so beautiful. The botkier is really nice and I love the leather. The speedy is so classic you can't really go wrong.
I don't think you could go wrong with any of them. But it seems like you've wanted the LV for awhile! I just had to comment on you wanting one big gift and choosing a handbag because that's EXACTLY what I told DH the other day. We're exchanging one big gift and I want a new Coach! Must be a "new mom" thing!
Thanks girls! I think I'm going to ask for the LV because I think if I get one of the other bags I will still think about the LV but if I get the LV I won't miss the others.
I am not such a fan of the LV speedy - Alot of people have the same one, that would bother me alot! Also I think the appeal of most LV bags are in the fact that everyone will look at you and say "wow thats an expensive bag" so its more of a status symbol than a beautiful bag in my opinion. Also from what I've seen the Speedy tends to get sorta bagged out, and loses its shape over years, it doesn't keep that stiff structure.