I have been lusting after this bag and am going to order it, but I don't know which color to get.
- Fawn
The second bag is exactly the same but they don't have a picture of it in the Mahogany color, so I'm posting a picture of a different bag in the Mahogany.
- Mahogany
The first bag I could get for $270 and the second is $350.
-- Edited by wetbandit42 at 19:16, 2007-08-18
Know first, who you are; and then adorn yourself accordingly. - Epictetus
I would go with the fawn cause it will look great with brown and black. And I love that color with creme sweaters in the winter. And probably cause I've recently decided that I want a bag in that color BTW, great bag!
I love both but would probably get the fawn because like everyone else has said, it's more versatile. If you're buying online directly from LP here are some coupon codes that don't expire until September 15th.
Codes & Offers: BTS500 - $100 off any order over $500. BTS350 - $60 off any order over $350. BTS200 - $25 off any order over $200.