I want to buy a green handbag, preferably in a darker shade like emerald so I can use it in spring, fall, and winter. I love the color of this bag, but not the price. Has anyone seen any fabulous green handbags?
I went looking for an emerald green bag, but it's difficult to find anything! Everything is really dusty and distressed-looking! I'll try again when I have more time. Good luck!
I asked this same question not too long ago, and didn't end up getting anything.
I LOVE THAT BAG! I couldn't find it on the NM website though. Who's is it and how much? TIA.
ETA: NEvermind, I found it. It's a Hogan bag on sale for $600 which would be oh-so-perfect for me, except it's only available in dark brown. Super bummer.
Good luck finding your bag. Post it when you do, I just may copy you and buy the same. ;P