I'm loving all things prep lately. Last week I scored a French country arm chair free at the end of a garage sale. I've been looking at fabric to refurb the chair and I absolutely Amy Butler's designs! I think I would need 2 yards for the seat and the back.
Where can I buy AB fabric for a resonable price? Do any B&M stores carry her stuff or is it easier to order online?
If you have a higher end fabric store in your area you MAY be able to find it at a B&M, but I think its just as easy to order online. Equilter.com has a very good selection, just seach by Amy Butler. If you like her stuff may I also suggest looking at Michael Miller fabrics, he has some great damasks in tons of colorways, that sound like they would look awesome on your chair. I'll post some examples. Please post pics of the finished project.
This is his too and cute, though I'm not sure what colors you need.
I have ordered some Amy Butler from purlsoho.com Go to her website at this address: http://www.amybutlerdesign.com/buy/ and there is a listing of places that you can order from.