Just have a quick question: Can anyone suggest a good shopping search engine, or a decent method of searching online for a particular item you're interested in?
This is what I usually do: If I see something I like or want and want to shop around online to find the best price or deal, I'll just usually google the brand+item and then possibly FROOGLE it as well. Is there a better way?
Thanks in advance everyone!!!!! Really appreciate all of your help and insight!
That is what I do as well. If I don't find it via google or froogle though I will broaden the search using only the brand name. I've found that some sites slightly alter what an item is called so the using a specific search won't always work. HTH!
"Whatever you are, be a good one." --Abraham Lincoln
http://www.shopstyle.com/ is a shopping search engine, but honestly, it's not all that great. i think googling it or posting it here for the shopping experts to identify is a better shot :) just thought i'd throw it out there anyway, though.
Thank you so much for your help Farrah and thank you mmmich for telling me about this site, and yea I definitely agree I guess. It can't get better than having all your fellow fashion savvy forum friends helping you out!!!