In the winter especially, parts of my face get extra red no matter what I do. Before I go to a derm, I wanted to check if anyone has any recommendations. Has anyone tried Clinique's CX Redness Relief cream? Or Eucerin redness relief products? Any other suggestions? I have sensitive skin & currently use Cetaphil cleanser & moisturizer as well as Clinique's Dramatically different moisturizing gel (love, love this product). TIA!
__________________ One cannot perceive beauty, but with a serene mind -Thoreau
I just went to the derm for this (Thursday, in fact!). She recommended that I switch my cleanser to Dove's Sensitive Skin beauty bar and use Cetaphil's moisturizer. I really didn't think the switching of cleansers would help that much to be honest, but I've noticed a BIG difference using the Dove beauty bar, even in three days. HTH!
Aveeno makes a face wash and moisterizer that reduces redness, I haven't tried it but I always hear good things about Aveeno. Plus the face wash was only $6.
I have this same problem and have been seeing the dermatologist for this for at least a year now. There wasn't really anything he recommended as far as face wash and moisturizers. But I did start getting laser treatments done. And i can not tell you how much they helped my skin. I have no redness now after having a laser treatment once or twice a month for about 6 months. And it made my skin super smooth, and since im in my 20's it will also help get rid of and prevent future wrinkles :)
This was the only solution that was able to clear up my redness.
"Deep down you may still be that same great guy I used to know. But it's not who you are underneath, it's what you do that defines you" Rachel Dawes, Batman Begins
I third the Aveeno. My face gets red, especially in the winter. After a week, the results were amazing. Even my nose, which gets red right away, is clear. I don't know how they did it, but it works!