Can anyone please recommend a drusgstore or cheapish salon curl product? I'm almost out of my beloved Bumble and bumble curl creme, and there's no where near my parents house that sells it. Anyone know a good cheap product that works well? I need something to give me definition and keep my curly hair under control. Thanks!!
Know first, who you are; and then adorn yourself accordingly. - Epictetus
i don't know any drugstore brands to recommend- but ISO bouncy creme is a great product and smells awesome. not entirely sure of the price point- but i would guess around $10-12
i'm pretty sure that Trade Secret sells ISO. If not, Ulta definitely would have it.
Can you buy it online? that's what I would do. Or call your hairsalon at home and have them send it to you. Just a thought - if you don't want to substitute.
There's this great brand of stuff at Sally's that I buy every once in awhile (I don't have curly hair so I usually only hit this stuff in the summer to add some waves). It was highly recommended on MUA, which is how I found it. Let me see if I can remember the name of it...
I'm heading over to MUA to find it.
Found it! Beyond the Zone - Noodle Head. I get it at Sallys for super cheap and it works very well.