I can't live without eyeliner so I've been looking into getting it permanently tattooed on my upper eye lid. Right now, a reputable local salon is offering the service for 1/2 price (woo!) and I'm thisclose to making an appointment. However, no one I know has had it done or really knows anything about it and I'm a little anxious. Have any of you gotten permanent cosmetics or know someone who has? Even a "my best friend's-cousin's-baby mama's-ex-boyfriend's-sister" six degrees type of personal story would be great and totally helpful at this point.... TIA!
... stick 'em down your shirt and make your boobs look bigger!
My now-exMIL had it done- eyeliner, eyebrows and lipliner. She looked scary. But I think it was more from the weird tattooed eyebrows than anything.
It wasn't done very well so it was a bit uneven. Fortunatley it doesn't last forever and eventually wore off. There was something just not right about the whole thing.
I know someone who had the lipliner done. Her lips were puffy and blue for awhile and then whenever her lipstick wore off she looked odd so she constantly had to make sure it was on. I would say unless you think you can't look worse (which I seriously doubt) then don't do it.
pass!! I wouldn't feel safe having someone at a salon tatoo something on my eyelids, ever. And would it look natural? i think this procedure is best for those that can't apply their makeup anymore (arthritis, illness, etc.)
erin wrote: i think this is something i cannot say "no" to enough. sorry!
ITA! Please don't do it!
Did y'all see that What Not to Wear where the lady had tattoo-ed eyeliner? It looked AW-ful! Very harsh-looking and I thought it added years to her age.
Know first, who you are; and then adorn yourself accordingly.
I'd say pass! You love eyeliner now... but in just five years maybe the style/color/intensity won't suit your tastes or your looks anymore. I don't think I've ever heard of someone being happy with this. I've only heard regret stories. Your face is something you can't cover up. If there's just one small problem or mistake, you can't hide it!
Fashion is art you live your life in. - Devil Wears Prada | formerly ttara123
my bf's sister has eyeliner tattooed on her upper eyelids. I have no idea where she went/who did it - tattoo parlor vs a salon type place. But hers is subtle enough that I had no earthly idea until bf was mentioning that she has 7 tattoos and when I questioned that number he said he counts each eyelid as one. I think if you make sure its subtle - not too thick/dark then its ok. I still haven't noticed even after he pointed it out. I guess I should look a little closer next time we go for a weekend visit so I can comment on what it actually looks like.
I think she did it because she doesn't really wear makeup but she likes eyeliner.
My MIL has lipliner, eyeliner and brows done. Her mom has her brows too. I would NEVER have brows done, but her eye liner is fine.
But, I would urge you to only have it done on your upper lids, not bottoms too, and I think it looks more natural when the artist basically just makes your lash line look more full, than doing full-on eyeliner. But, my MIL looks fantastic in the morning when the rest of us are all icky. Her lips are pretty subtle.
I didn't know her when she had it done, so I have no idea how long it took to heal and what that process looked like. I know it hurt like crazy, but she's kinda a whimp with that stuff any way.
I woudn't do it. I think most the time it turns out looking tacky.
If you really want to do it though make sure the place you get it done is reputable. Also most tattoo places have pics of their work,so maybe you can ask to see some photos of eyeliner work they have done before to see the quality of the work.
To be yourself in a world that is constantly trying to make you something else is the greatest accomplishment.- Ralph Waldo Emerson