Normally lasts 2 days - going on a week and my anniversary is coming up. Any ideas to make it stop? I am trying the extra dose of birth control pills now - nothing has happened so far...
what do you mean, the extra dose? Did you just start a new pack or are you taking more than normal? When I start a new pack I'm usually still on my period, it takes 2-3 days to stop after I start the new pack
That's weird that its lasting so long...maybe call the doctor?
Fashion is art you live your life in. - Devil Wears Prada | formerly ttara123
It stopped finally! I just took 2 birth control pills a day for the past few days and it stopped yesterday. I was on my first week of a new Rx anyway (when the pills are the strongest) and I hoped the double shot of hormones would shock my system - and it worked. Will probably pay for this with a DOOZY period next time - but I am off to a "fun" weekend with my hubby.