I've heard that a tbl spoon of this a day will really speed up your metabolism. Has anyone ever tried it? Do you know of any negatives to taking it? (other than taste...)
It's pronounced "Johnny," like the boys name....but spelled like an Indian Zuchini.
A friend of mine says it works for her. She says it needs to be ORGANIC, though. Trader Joe's has it. If you google "apple cider vinegar diet" or something like that, you'll see info. I tried if for a few days, but couldn't stand the taste!
OMG - the taste!! It's horrible! I felt like my throat was going to shrivel up and die. Wait - I dunno if that's possible. You get my point though. My cousin, bless her, lost about 50lbs (!) gulping down a tablespoon before every meal so I thought I'd give it a whirl. Needless to say, I couldn't take it. I tried the pills, too, but wasn't consistent enough to see any results. I'm not totally sure that ACV has been clinically proven to increase metabolism but the internet has a plethora of information about diets using ACV.
... stick 'em down your shirt and make your boobs look bigger!
I could be misunderstanding but are those who are taking it, just drinking a bit straight up? If you put a tablespoon in a bottle or glass of water it's not too bad.
I've never heard that, but it seems to be worth a shot. I'm going to check it out when I'm at TJs tonight.
I've also read that cinnamon can speed up the metabolism a bit. I've been sprinkly a bit on my cereal in the mornings. I haven't noticed a difference, but I figure it can't hurt and it ads a little flavor to otherwise boring fiber cereal.
I believe the vinegar also leaches calcium from your bones. But I'm not an expert or a doctor. And there's a lot of literature out there about how great it is.