I like to hardboil a bunch of eggs at the beginning of each week, and then I can grab a coulple in a baggie and eat them whenever (I usually just eat the whites). Lots of protein!
Peanut butter on whole wheat bread with an apple is also good - either a sandwich or toast if you have a couple extra minutes.
Have you seen a nutritionist? It would probably be very helpful to go for even just one appt - you'd probably get lots of ideas to run with.
To be yourself in a world that is constantly trying to make you something else is the greatest accomplishment ~ {Ralph Waldo Emerson}
I'm so sorry! At least you caught it now so that you can regulate w/ diet and minimal medication.
I'm not diabetic but because of my thryoid and blood sugar problems, I basically have to eat like one. I usually eat breakfast at home, so I don't know how portable these ideas are, but my fave breakfasts are:
1) Oatmeal w/ a little sprinkle of fiber supplement powder along w/ a small piece of cheese or a boiled egg. I usually boil eggs on Sunday night, so they are handy throughout the week.
2) Kashi Go Lean crunch w/ a little fat (again, maybe a piece of cheese or egg) on the side
3) Smoothie w/ berries, protein powder, and a little 1% milk.
Can you eat when you get to work? Sometimes when I'm in a hurry, I'll have an apple during my commute, then eat oatmeal when I get to work.
Also, my doctor recommended some bars (luna, etc) that were pretty ok for my issues. Not idea, but in a pinch, theyll do the trick. Perhaps your doc or a nutritionist could make some recommendations for you.
I'm glad this was posted because I too need breakfast ideas. I always feel like I'm going to pass out before noon, because what I eat sucks, and my blood sugar gets low. Please keep posting ideas. I think I'm going to try the hard boiled egg thing, and peanut butter on toast.
Thanks girls, those are all great ideas, i'm headed to the grocery store after work to find me some good grub!
I considered a nutrionist but because I'm really only having problems with breakfast and the nearest nutrionist is an 1 1/2 hours away I thought I'd try this first. My doc suggested that I possibly meet with one if my blood sugar doesn't respond to my current treatment...if I do end up meeting with one I'll be sure and post all the info here!!
It's pronounced "Johnny," like the boys name....but spelled like an Indian Zuchini.
Bummer that the nearest nutritionist isn't near at all! Many will do phone consultations though, so if you're still feeling stuck that might be a good way around driving there and back.
To be yourself in a world that is constantly trying to make you something else is the greatest accomplishment ~ {Ralph Waldo Emerson}
Elle Wrote: Bummer that the nearest nutritionist isn't near at all! Many will do phone consultations though, so if you're still feeling stuck that might be a good way around driving there and back.
I haven't thought about that! That's a great idea, I go back to the doc next week, so if he doesn't have any new recommendations for me I'll definitely try to ring up a dietician!!
It's pronounced "Johnny," like the boys name....but spelled like an Indian Zuchini.
Just curious, have you been given a meter to check your sugar level throughout the day? Generally, sugar levels are checked four times a day in the beginning of treatment (fasting and three post-meals). It's a quick and easy way to actually see where your main diet problems lay. If your sugar levels are out of range only after breakfast then that should be your main focus of change but if one of the other levels are too high then perhaps breakfast isn't as much of an issue as you think. Does that make sense?
I actually work on a gestational (pregnancy) diabetic reseach study but I'm not sure if the same rules for testing and initial treatment apply. If they don't...I'm sorry for confusing the issue for you.
"But I want you to remember, I intend this breast satirically." Susan from Coupling
Just curious, have you been given a meter to check your sugar level throughout the day? Generally, sugar levels are checked four times a day in the beginning of treatment (fasting and three post-meals). It's a quick and easy way to actually see where your main diet problems lay. If your sugar levels are out of range only after breakfast then that should be your main focus of change but if one of the other levels are too high then perhaps breakfast isn't as much of an issue as you think. Does that make sense?
I actually work on a gestational (pregnancy) diabetic reseach study but I'm not sure if the same rules for testing and initial treatment apply. If they don't...I'm sorry for confusing the issue for you.
My doc prescribed me a glucometer (sp?) and told me to check my blood sugar every morning (after fasting all night). I've been doing that and recording my results, but have also been checking it throughout the day. So far my BSL has only been below 100 twice and has gotten up to 246 in the evening (under 100 is ideal). But I've only been on the meds for a week.... guess I'll wait and see what the doc says after my appointment next week!
It's pronounced "Johnny," like the boys name....but spelled like an Indian Zuchini.