So I have this thing that has been bothering me for about 2 months now. The inside of my lips (more on the bottom than the top one) are peeling. It's kind of a raw feeling, like the inside of my mouth is chapped. My dentist noticed it last time I went and she said that it looked like I was just chewing on my lips. Now, I do chew on them occasionally (just a bad habit) but I know that it can't be only that because I wake up with them peeling...and I'm not chewing on them in my sleep. So I went to her again recently and she said that it looks more like cases she's seen where whitening agents irritate your mouth. So I switched from my whitening toothpaste to a sensitive mouth one...and no difference. I don't know what to do, they feel raw all the time and it's driving me crazy. Any advice?
No, haven't gone on/changed any medication. But I wonder what in the drug would make that might be the same problem from something else. Help
I have no clue what causes that. I wish I did, that has got to be miserable. I would ask your general practitioner about it and see if you need to be a specialist. I hope it goes away soon!
Know first, who you are; and then adorn yourself accordingly.
Are you sure you don't chew on your lips while you sleep? Can you have somebody somehow verify this? I'm just asking because most people I know who grind thier teeth while they sleep didn't know they did it either for the longest times and I figure it's sorta the same deal. If it's a habit while you are awake, it might carry over to your sleep.
"But I want you to remember, I intend this breast satirically." Susan from Coupling
Well...I have this problem where I always have my lips peeling--especially towards my inner lips. But mine don't feel raw so I'm not sure if this will help. What I do is use a lip scrub to exfoliate. Then I apply Laura Mercier lip silk before I go to bed. It doesn't make it go away completely but it does help a lot. I can tell when I don't use it--the peeling is a lot worse. As far as the rawness goes....maybe they're really dry? I really don't know...sorry if I'm not helping...maybe seeing a dermatalogist would help.