I don't, because baby powder doesn't really dissapear on my skintone or my jet-black hair. If I was blonde, I'd use it to keep my hair/scalp fresh in between shampoos.
I once read some 1950s guide to "being a lady" that said to dust yourself with it every summer day. But when I tried it, I just smelled really strongly like sweaty baby powder. It was disgusting. So, uh, no, not after that.
i use it in my hair. lilykind i have dark hair too but i use it with an old makeup brush (cc's tip) and it works great on days when my hair is a little greasy!
I use it on my hair on days I don't wash it. I've also used it on my thighs in the summertime when I'm wearing a skirt so they don't get clammy in the heat. It's something my mom taught me but it just occurred to me that it might be weird... Oh well, it works.
i use it in my hair. lilykind i have dark hair too but i use it with an old makeup brush (cc's tip) and it works great on days when my hair is a little greasy!
I hate the smell of baby powder so I just use regular cornstarch. Sometimes in the summer I'll use it on my shoes/feet but mainly I just use it on my hair in between washings.
Kitty - I just apply it to the roots (so I guess it also gets on my scalp?) with an old blush brush. And I just do it along my part, in my long bangs/layers in the front and sometimes at the temples.