I am considering getting fake nails because my real nails look like cr*p. However, I have never had either acrylics or gels so I'm not really sure what to pick or what to expect. Can someone walk me through what I need to know?
Under normal circustances my nails are thin and break and peel easily. As I am a chef and my hands are constantly getting wet or washed and I do everthing with my hands, are fakes even a good idea?
My mom is a chef as well and has less than desireable hands/nails. Anyways, I really don't think it would be the best idea for your profession. What if one broke in the food? Also, stuff gets stuck easier IMO under the nails and it's harder to clean. I would worry about the sanitation aspect.
Fashion your life as a garland of beautiful deeds. -Buddha
they are not considered to be sanitary, so I wouldn't suggest them. I used to have them and even did my own fills for a few years, but for some reason, I ended up decided they were gross and I stopped liking them. Now if I want that same glossy look, I just buff and wear natural nails. I don't even like nail polish anymore (I know, I am odd)!
I have heard that prenatal vitamins will give you great nails and hair.
"Go either very cheap or very expensive. It's the middle ground that is fashion nowhere." ~ Karl Lagerfeld