I'm pretty happy. Since I started my new "diet" two weeks ago, I've lost 6.5 pounds (it was 7.5 over the weekend but back down to 6.5 after not drinking enough water yesterday).
S: 2 pb crackers
L: 2 small slices frozen pizza
D: 2 small pieces catfish; 10 french fries; veggies
E: none. I'm being a big baby and curling up in bed b/c I miss my bf. Boo.
bluebirde - do tell! what diet are you on? and congrats!!
One of my friends started this diet back in January and has already lost 50 pounds. I tried everything else so I thought I'd give it a shot. It's actually some kind of diet program that you pay for (out of Dallas, TX). I wasn't into that option so my friend just made a copy of the materials for me. The goal of the program is to turn the participant from an "overeater" to a "true thin." Basically you attempt to eat like a person who's never had food issues. The gist:
Skip breakfast (supposedly we confuse thirst with hunger in the early morning)
drink 2 glasses of water first thing in the morning (it also encourages you to drink something it calls H2Orange - 3 tablespoons of OJ for ever 10 ounces of water - to keep your blood sugar up)
Measure your hunger between 1 and 4. Only eat when you're at level 3 (stomach growling)
If you get hungry before it's an appropriate meal time, eat a snack (it lists approved snacks - pb crackers, popcorn, etc.)
When you do eat, chew very slowly and only eat for 10 minutes. Then take a 5 minute break in the middle of the meal (talk, go to the restroom, whatever). Then eat for as long as you want after that until you are satisfied. Not stuffed, but satisfied.
Imagine your stomach like the size of a loose fist. That's all the food it takes to fill it up. Anything more is not your body needing it, but maybe your head or something.
In the first 3 weeks, no sugar or milk, after that, go for it.
Oh and try to eat some protein with every meal.
That's it. Nothing tricky. Just basically eating slowly and taking your time. I've been recording here and there on fitday and I've basically cut my calories by a third to a half. The program encourages to eat whatever you want (nachos, hamburgers, etc.) so you don't feel deprived of anything - just slower and less amounts.
I haven't finished a plate of food since I started it. And I've saved a ton of money on groceries in the past couple weeks.