I subscribed to Everyday with Rachel Ray back in February through Readers Digest Publications. Well I paid the bill in March and then the flood of deliquent account snail mails started. Every month I get a letter in a nasty tone stating my account is deliquent and I need to pay. So in April I sent a copy of the cancelled check. Didn't stop anything. In May I called their number after hours of searching (not easy to find) and was told the letter was a renewal notice. WTF? I have been subscribed for all of 2 months and received 1 magazine and I'm getting nasty notices to renew my subscription. So I tell the CS girl no thank you I have just received 1 magazine. But it doesn't stop. So I quit responding. Well today I get yet another letter in the nasty tone and I had to call again. I'm so sick and tired of these people. I doubt it will stop like the girl on the phone said today. I love rachel ray but in the future I'll go buy one of her books instead of this nonsense.
Don't ever subscribe to one of their publications!!!!!!
I also have had nothing but trouble with Readers Digest Publications. Everytime I try to subscribe to something of theirs either it takes 6 months to get the first issue ot there are payment issues. I also tried to give a gift subscription to a friend and they took my money but she has yet to see an issue and that was for Christmas last year. After many calls to customer service I have pretty much given up.