Tonight I had my top right furthest back molar needed to's cause pain for years...but ouch! I have an extra root on all my teeth so that makes extractions more difficult. The site of the extraction is sore of course...but it's more my aching jaw from all that yanking that is causing me grief.
So yeah, I just want whole head is aching and throbbing from the process. :(
Today I woke up and my whole right jaw/cheek looks bruised as though I got punched. The penicillin/vicodin combo is making me feel very weak and shaky...and TMJ means I can't get my mouth open to far. I'm not supposed to use a straw, so I've pretty much been limited to water and I just ate mashed banana.
Synopsis: I hate teeth! I wish I could just get rid of them all and get implants or that God had made them indestructible or something.