On my trip to NYC, a bottle of water spilled in my bag and fried my digital camera. It was sort of on its last legs anyway, and was 4 years old (that's a good lifespan for a digital camera, right?)
Anyway, I need a new one. It should be cheap (under $200 if possible). Any recs?
"We live in an age where unnecessary things are our only necessities." --Oscar Wilde
check out the reviews on newegg.com and buy.com for cameras. There are usually good deals on digital cameras and memory cards on there too. I have a canon powershot (A95 - 5 megapixel) and I love it. Pics come out great and its easy to use. i've never had a problem and I'm going on year 2 or 3 with it. BF had an olympus (3megapixel) which he liked and had originally asked for a larger memory card for it but lucked out and for his b-day last week his sister bought him the canon powershot sd450 (from buy.com ~260) and it is such a cool camera. Its a 5mp camera too. We have yet to develop any pics from it but so far we really like it. The only thing is that I like the way my camera has a dial to change the modes from auto to portrait or panoramic etc and his you have to go through a menu but its no biggie cause we usually keep it on auto anyways.