I purchased a pricey item off ebay and I sent the seller a money order the day after I won the item. THat was last thursday. The seller still did not receive the money order and its beek a week. Mail usually takes 3 days or so. I am really worried. If the money order is lost I know that I could file some paper work and have the money refunded but im worried that the seller might not be honest. THe seller seemed nice and was helpful with my questions so i hope im just being paranoid. Ive been skrewed over by a seller before and that only makes me more nervous about this situation. What should I do? thanks
I think there's some way to track whether or not the money order was cashed or not. You get a receipt. And yeah, I think there is some way to get your money back.
I might give it till monday or tuesday to see if they received it since this was a holiday weekend and I know mail didn't move on Sunday or Tuesday possibly Monday also. Just my 2 cents.