I regularly get my eyebrows "tinted" becuase they're blonde (I have no idea why, my hair is dark brown). I get them tinted to match my hair color. The salon I go to also offers eyelash tinting which I am ALWAYS interested in but too scared to get. My eyelashes are blonde and I feel I look hideous without at least mascara on...so, I'm really intersted in getting this done. I guess I'm just scared of how it works and if its dangerous or whatever.
I had a friend that did this. I think it looks fine. I think she did it so she didnt have to wear mascara all the time. If yuore worried about it, just ask some questions Im sure it will make you feel better talking to someone who has more info on it.
my friend had this done. I don't think it's dangerous if you go somewhere that does it a lot, but I don't know for sure. My friend was pretty disappointed with hers. She didn't look all that different.
"We live in an age where unnecessary things are our only necessities." --Oscar Wilde
halleybird wrote: my friend had this done. I don't think it's dangerous if you go somewhere that does it a lot, but I don't know for sure. My friend was pretty disappointed with hers. She didn't look all that different.
I have my eyelashes tinted pretty regularly and have for years now. My lashes are not very blonde but I still think my eyes look a bit too bland and I hate wearing mascara because I tend to rub my eyes a lot if I'm tired. And I also hate using eye make-up remover.
I've never had any problems with the tinting. The color usually lasts me around 4-6 weeks, and then it's time for me to go to the salon again. Black is the best color, brown doesn't really do much on most people and wears off more quickly. Just don't do blueish black - that shade is too harsh in my opinion.
ETA: If you decide to go ahead with it, remember to keep your eyes closed (but not too tightly, just try to be relaxed). Otherwise, it really burns like hell!
I think they were blond, but not light -- more like dark blond/light brown. I think she got the brown tint, though, and as Hedvig says, it doesn't show up as well. I'd go for black!
"We live in an age where unnecessary things are our only necessities." --Oscar Wilde
i used to get mine tinted regularly. i loved it. i could just curl my eyelashes and go. it also made my lashes look very intense when i would put on mascara and i loved it.