And honestly, this is a question for a friend. (I'm such an oversharer that I would totally admit if it was me...) but, anywhoo, does anyone know anything about intestinal parasites? A friend of mine who went to Brazil has them (according to her doctor) and the medicine helps for a while, but they come back...
My old roomate hiked the Appalachian Trail and came back w/ mad intestinal problems. Her doctor thought she had a parasite. She took medicine that would help for a while but it would come back, just like your friend. Finally, another doctor said she needed to bring in a stool sample, and they determined that it wasn't a parasite at all.
She's still not sure what causes it, but it might be IBS or something like that. She seems to control it pretty well through diet - no refined sugar or processed foods. I don't know if that would help your friend, but she might want to ask to have her poo tested for parasites so they can know for sure if that is the problem.
Know first, who you are; and then adorn yourself accordingly.
I would suggest telling your friend to go to a specialist if she hasn't already in internal medicine or if there is an intestinal specialist just so she can be thoroughly checked out and diagnosed properly.
Funny, just last night I was relishing in the idea of getting a tapeworm and losing weight and then having it taken out... I guess this post was karma's way of telling me to shut it. Point well taken.
Funny, just last night I was relishing in the idea of getting a tapeworm and losing weight and then having it taken out... I guess this post was karma's way of telling me to shut it. Point well taken.
We used to make fun of my brother that he had a tapeworm because he was hungry all the time. I used to tell him to take another scoop since he was eating for two!