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RE: schedule
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What time do you get up?  Usually between 9-10 am, never earlier than 8am.

What time do you go to bed?  Usually 12-1 am, I like to watch Jay Leno.

How long do you spend cooking dinner?  Hmm...5 minutes in the microwave!  I cook dinner maybe twice a week and that is maybe half an hours work.

Do you go to the gym? Never.  I'd like to go, but my bf said people only go their to hook up and it's not safe to go by yourself.

Anything else you do on a regular basis?  I usually don't miss Days of Our Lives and Passions.  What a waste of two hours!



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what time do you get up? depends on her highness. but usually around 5:30. (then back to bed until around 9)

what time do you go to bed? between 9 and midnight. if i am REALLY tired, earlier. (i went to bed at 7:30 the other day)

how long do you spend cooking dinner? depends what i am cooking! but usually between 30 mins to an hour. (sometimes longer if my hub is home to watch the baby)

do you go to the gym? If yes, when? no, i used to though. when lilah's a bit older i might join again. i miss swimming.

Anything else you do on a regular basis? go for walks. we usually walk to the library about 4-5x per week, and the thrift store almost daily. it gets us out of the house and she loves being outside.

-- Edited by erin at 09:36, 2006-06-15



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what time do you get up? 5:30 am weekdays, 8am weekends

what time do you go to bed? between 10 and 11 pm, sometimes a bit later on Saturday

how long do you spend cooking dinner? I don't cook... I have a personal chef (aka Mom).

do you go to the gym? If yes, when? No, but I take my dog for a walk every night after dinner, 30 min to 1 hour.

Anything else you do on a regular basis? Usually go to the library every Tuesday after work to drop stuff off and look for new CDs/movies. Other than that, there is nothing I do regularly.

Veni, Vedi, Visa. I came, I saw, I did a little shopping.


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what time do you get up? 7am on weekdays, anywhere from 10am - noon on weekends

what time do you go to bed? 11pm-1am on weekdays, anywhere from midnight - 3am weekends

how long do you spend cooking dinner? If I cook (BF does a lot of the cooking) usually no more than 30 mins.

do you go to the gym? If yes, when? No, I just don't enjoy the gym.  BF & I run at least 3 times a week in the summer & in the winter I use the treadmill.

Anything else you do on a regular basis? Not really - just the usual:  check email, ST, myspace & watch TV or read.



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What time do you get up?  My alarm goes off at 5:45am. I actually get out of bed at 6:15.

What time do you go to bed? 11:30pm-midnight

How long do you spend cooking dinner? About 15 minutes to a half hour depending on what it is.

Do you go to the gym? If yes, when? Nope. I hate gyms. I get exercise in other ways.

Anything else you do on a regular basis? Yep. Make jewelry and write articles. I work on one of the two of these at least two-three nights a week. I also play basketball with people from work. I'm not taking classes right now, but I was in the spring and probably will again in the fall. I'm giving myself a break over the summer. I try to go for a brisk walk at least 4-5 days a week, whether it's on a lunch break or when I get home from work. I'd like to get back into musical theatre, as well, so I'm brushing up my resume and may do some auditioning next spring, so that would require voice lessons and dance classes again (I've been a slacker the past few years).

Yeah, I'm busy. But it's all during the week. I pack my weeks so full of activities, but my weekends are mostly relaxing and fun with a few errands, if necessary.



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what time do you get up? 6:15-6:30 during the week, between 9 and 10:00 on the weekends

what time do you go to bed? 10:30pm-12am on weekdays, between midnight - 3am weekends

how long do you spend cooking dinner? Probably 30-45 minutes, unless I pick something up on the way home
do you go to the gym? If yes, when? I try to go to the gym at work, but I can't always get out of work by 6pm.  If not, then I try to go to the gym in my building or go for a run when I get home.  Maybe 3 times a week/
Anything else you do on a regular basis? Since I have a really long commute (an hour each way), I spend a ton of time in the car.  Right now, studying for the GMAT also takes up a quite a bit of time, and reading.


Dooney & Bourke

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What time do you get up?  Normally between 5 am & 6:30 am, depends on when the boy (baby) wakes up.  This morning was 4:45 am, YUCK!

What time do you go to bed? Between 9 pm & 10pm, if i want time to myself I stay up later.

How long do you spend cooking dinner? Normally 1/2 hour to 45 minutes.

Do you go to the gym? If yes, when? Mmmm...I don't go to a gym per say, but my building has a physical therapy department and I go there sometimes during lunch.  I have a treadmill at home, and boy that likes stroller rides and dogs that like swimming in the ditch.  Sooo, I walk a lot!

Anything else you do on a regular basis? Does work count   I surf ebay and ST.  I am an AVID reader, which is usually what I do when I stay up late.  We are having a home built so I'm busy with that during what is left of my free time.

Curve: The loveliest distance between two points. ~Mae West

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what time do you get up? I set the alarm for 7 a.m., but I'm usually up beforehand. (I'm such a morning person as long at it's no earlier than 6. If it's earlier I'm a total groggy bitch and I don't feel well, if it's after 6, I'm that person you glare at because they bounce out of bed and around the house).

what time do you go to bed? sometime 11-1

how long do you spend cooking dinner? Most meals only take me 30 minutes, but we eat out a lot, but I also do a lot of cooking over the weekend, so that we can reheat maindishes, and so I can just make a side and a salad.

do you go to the gym? not lately. But, I am trying to work that into my schedule

Other time is spent on school (4 credits ever 6 weeks, grad level, I don't feel it's too demanding) lots of time gardening or working around the house (cleaning or projects) some TV, but since TiVo I get to watch when it's convenient, playing/bugging the pets.





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Monday-Friday Schedule:
what time do you get up? usually between 6:00-7:00 depending on what time my day starts

what time do you go to bed? usually around 10:00-11:00

how long do you spend cooking dinner? i don't cook dinner.  i go out pratically every night b/c i am on the road almost every night

do you go to the gym? yes.  my goal for this year is 3 times per week which i have stuck to

Anything else you do on a regular basis? nah


Dooney & Bourke

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what time do you get up?  4:30 AM

what time do you go to bed?  1:00 AM

how long do you spend cooking dinner?  5 Minutes, if that!

do you go to the gym? No, I run on the treadmill at my apt every morning and evening or along the Marina right outside my apt. 

Anything else you do on a regular basis?  Jewelry/glass classes once a month, belly dancing every Thursday, happy hour every Weds and I read an inordinate amount of newspapers on a daily basis (4).  Nothing else really...



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what time do you get up? between 6-9 a.m., depending. usually about 8-8:30

what time do you go to bed? between most nights, between 12-1 a.m.

*added my own category* when do you finish work? usually when DH gets home, which for the past few months has been between 7-9 p.m. My work is cyclical, so Apr-Jun and Sept-Dec are very busy times, and the off months are slower.

how long do you spend cooking dinner? I don't cook. :)

do you go to the gym? If yes, when? No. I work out at home or outdoors, weather and time permitting (I work from home)

Anything else you do on a regular basis? I teach classes 1-3x a month. Usually Thursday nights and the occasional Saturday afternoon. Classes run about 2-3 hours, which means about 4+ hours (drive time and setup/cleanup) for me.


"Good taste shouldn't have to cost anything extra." - Mickey Drexler


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err...jah, when the heck do you sleep? 3.5 hours a night....that's crazy talk! Are you one of those people who can survive on very little sleep? I used to get by on 4 hours most nights, but that was a fair number of years ago.


"Good taste shouldn't have to cost anything extra." - Mickey Drexler


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what time do you get up? My alarm goes off at 7:20. I usually get out of bed anywhere between 8:15 and 8:30 and have to be out of the house by 8:45. (The 8:30 days are powder and lipgloss only days ) On the weekends I can sleep no later than 11 usually.

what time do you go to bed? between 12 and 2. Usually around 12 or 1 though. On the weekends it can vary but never earlier than 1 and usually not later than 3ish.

how long do you spend cooking dinner? no more than 20 minutes, definitely, if that. i'm not the best cook, the boy likes eating out, and when it's just me i go for quick and easy.

do you go to the gym? If yes, when? yes. my 2-week torn muscle hiatus turned into a 3-week hiatus though, so i'm working on that. i try to go 3-4 days a week. (I include other activities - going to the track, the lake, etc., in this calculation.)

anything else you do on a regular basis? I hang out with friends at least 2 times during the week and most weekends. My friends are my hobby, really. I'm taking a break from painting but when I get the bug again, I'll devote at least one evening a week to that. I also watch tv, mess around on my computer, and talk with friends on the phone most nights. I usually have some project going on at least once every two weeks. (Currently it's supposed to be baking cupcakes - which sounds easy but for me it's not. And I'm thinking next week will be making some art for a friend's apartment.) But to be honest, I seriously enjoy my time after I come home from a workout and a shower, just vegging in bed or on the couch. Relaxation cannot be underestimated.



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what time do you get up? during the week, 5:45-6 a.m.; during the summer and weekends, anywhere from 9-11 a.m.

what time do you go to bed? during the week, 10-11 p.m.; summer/weekends: 11-1 a.m. I need at least 7-8 hours of sleep to be functional.

how long do you spend cooking dinner?  Usually zero -- my husband cooks or brings dinner home. If I am eating by myself I will make something very quick and simple, so less than 10 minutes. I spend about 20 minutes doing dishes, though!

do you go to the gym? If yes, when?  Nope. Sometimes I work out at home, when I remember.

Anything else you do on a regular basis?  I will have a Monday night class this fall. And we usually have dinner with one set of parents or another about once a week. Oh, and during the TV season, we never miss 24, LOST or The Office.

"We live in an age where unnecessary things are our only necessities." --Oscar Wilde

Dooney & Bourke

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atlgirl wrote:

err...jah, when the heck do you sleep? 3.5 hours a night....that's crazy talk! Are you one of those people who can survive on very little sleep? I used to get by on 4 hours most nights, but that was a fair number of years ago.


Well, I sleep between 1 AM and 4:30 AM...!!  Yes, I am one of those crazy people that doesn't only survive on very little sleep, but thrives on very little sleep.  I don't even sleep with an alarm clock... If I don't get up at 4:30, then I'm sluggish all day, but if I'm out of bed and on the treadmill by 4:45, then the day is energized...seriously believe this is one of my issues with finding a suitable mate! 

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