This entire week my lips have been extremely, severely cracked and dry to the point that the open cracks and open skin is oozing water. sorry if TMI.
Evern since I was a little girl my lips have been really sensitive to the climate, especially weather changes. People always ask me why my lips are always chapped and if I've ever seen a doctor for it since they always see putting it on. I'm actually seriously considering it now because it never bothered me as much as this past week. I couldn't laugh or move my mouth too much or it would hurt a lot! But what kind of doctor do I see and is there such a thing as prescription chapstick?
I've tried everything from 99 cent stuff to $20 stuff. I've seen my friends go all day w/o chapstick and I reapply at least every 2 hours on a very good day.
Any suggestions on what I should do? Maybe there's a chapstick I haven't tried yet?
i used to have this problem, then i stopped using ANY lip product with petrolatum in it...its in 95% of what's out there- even "medicated" balms. It has made such a huge difference- i don't know why, but it really dries my lips out. My two fave lip balms in the world are kiehl's baby lip balm and ganache for lips (i like choc. raspberry flavor)...i've bought maybe 25 tubes of them in the past couple of years. Also, drinking a TON of water helps.
i use lansinoh brand lanolin that is meant for breast feeding mothers to use on their nipples. i put a generous coat on right before i am going to go to sleep, and then wipe what is not absorbed off with a tissue in the morning before i shower, and my lips are never chapped. unless they get sunburned or if i get a cold. i know it sounds a little strange, but trust me, it really works!!
oh, yeah, and you can also use a thinner layer during the day if you need and it has a great shine to it, and it will last forever.
I get chapstick with mentholatum in it or peppermint oil. Both of these feel cold going on. Natural Ice and Burt's bees are my favorites. I've tried lots of others but they seem to dry my lips out worse....neutrogena and clinique all about lips are the worst.
I agree with the drinking lots of water and I think if you were going to a dr, you would go to a dermatologist for this. I'm sure there is some kind of medicated chapstick available. Maybe you could just call a derm and ask for recommendations for some?
"Thanks to Stephenie Meyer everytime I hear thunder, I imagine vampires playing baseball."
is it possible that you've developed an allergy to something in the chapsticks? meaning, that over time you have used the chapsticks so much that you've gained a increased sensitivity to one of the primary ingredients and that using more and more has just excerbated the problem. i would definitly go to the derma and ask him what's going on.
"But I want you to remember, I intend this breast satirically." Susan from Coupling