ok, so I have this...thing...on my inner arm. Its been there for a few days and keeps getting bigger. I have no idea what it is. It's red and puffy like a big zit, but when I look at it the only pore I can see if kind of brown, indented, and crusty/dry. When I squeeze it, it hurts like a mofo.
any idea what it is or what I should do about it? Do I need to see a doctor? Its big and ugly and driving me nuts and i want it gone!
I think if it's been there for a few days and is getting bigger you should go to a doctor. It sounds like it could be infected. I had something similar appear on me last summer and I don't want to go into all the gory details here but basically I let it go for a week and it resulted in one of the most painful doctor's visits I have ever experienced.