Horrid...just flat out horrid! Does she even look in the mirror anymore? I always thought she was rather plain...her costumers just tarted her up and all...and this reinforces it.
With all the gorgeous maternity wear out there these days...how does Mrs. Federline get past her publicist in this?
I just want the lady in back of her to yell.....THAT IS A SHIRT, NOT A DRESS!!!! or WHERE THE F ARE YOUR PANTS?????? What the hell is wrong with her? She is the purest form of trash I have seen since I threw my rotten bananas away this morning.
now this just makes me mad. with all the money that girl has and she is dressing like some sort of citrus fruit. . .jesus. HIRE A STYLIST. i am usually not a fan of styleist i feel like personal style should be devolped over time and with an eye towards what works, but this girl needs professional help. i mean if she could just wear jeans/white tunic top/the wedges she has on and her hair COMBED it would be simple and perhaps not edgy but at least safe. she looks like she is wearing a cropped burka.
geeze she just doesn't get it. doesn't she at least glance at the worst and best dressed lists? i would if i were a celebrity. you would think after being on that list or on every magazine cover because you look tacky and trashy, you would get the hint.
Maybe she is just trying to go against the normal celebrity type and not be so extravagant. All of these celebrities, like Tom Cruise spending a fortune on an ultrasound machine instead of going to the doctor like normal people. Not Ms. Spears. She is taking a stand and counting her pennies-heck she is not even wasting money on designer jeans, or any jeans for that matter. And in the picture that tri sarah tops posted-the girl got a bargain on an apron. And with KFed as a husband we can't fault her for saving for the babies college funds. You know he sure as heck won't be helping her!!!
Poor Britney! You may be rich, but you can't buy class!!