...please talk to me about how this works for you. I am about to go to a meeting tonight and am wondering how easy you find it to follow the points system and how committed you feel to the whole program. I am sick of my body being like it is and am motivated to make changes. I have a few concerns though:
1. I feel like I am addicted to sugar - like I was born addicted. I don't know if that's really possible but I can remember gorging on sugar from a very, very young age. Most of the time I am relatively disciplined about what I eat, but at certain times - not just that time of the month, but sometimes the craves last for weeks - I physically feel like eating sugary stuff, even if I am not hungry in general. It's very frustrating. Not sure WW can help me with this issue.
2. I used to be very fit and toned, but was dx with Fibromyalgia in 1997. Since then I have had to cut back (to now, almost completely none) on exercising. I miss it terribly but most exercising (any repetitive motion, really) causes me a great deal of pain. And sometimes I have pain for no damn good reason. So I'm hoping to be able to eat "better" and really get a feel for how much I'm putting into my body with WW. I'm not sure that I can ever exercise again regularly, so I may not be able to add that portion of weight loss into the mix.
3. I am not severely overweight - but I'd like to lose 20-25 lbs. Friends tell me I'm crazy to even think about WW, but my body felt better and my clothes fit better when I weighed less. Since the Fibro dx the weight just keeps creeping up, and I'd really like to start seriously managing this. I am disgusted lately every time I look in the mirror and feel terrible about myself, and I think a lot of that is tied to the shape (or not) that my body's in.
I'd love to hear honest feedback from those of you who've been working WW. What works best for you, and what hasn't? Is this a plan that can help with my issues and problems? I really feel at the end of my rope. :(
"Good taste shouldn't have to cost anything extra." - Mickey Drexler
1. I feel like I am addicted to sugar - like I was born addicted. I don't know if that's really possible but I can remember gorging on sugar from a very, very young age. Most of the time I am relatively disciplined about what I eat, but at certain times - not just that time of the month, but sometimes the craves last for weeks - I physically feel like eating sugary stuff, even if I am not hungry in general. It's very frustrating. Not sure WW can help me with this issue.
if you do the core plan it might help, but it won't be fun (it'll basically cut out all artificial sugars and white carbs). If you do flex it may or may not help, but good news is eating sugar isn't a major no-no on the plan. I have a huge sweet tooth too, and was still able to do OK. 2. I used to be very fit and toned, but was dx with Fibromyalgia in 1997. Since then I have had to cut back (to now, almost completely none) on exercising. I miss it terribly but most exercising (any repetitive motion, really) causes me a great deal of pain. And sometimes I have pain for no damn good reason. So I'm hoping to be able to eat "better" and really get a feel for how much I'm putting into my body with WW. I'm not sure that I can ever exercise again regularly, so I may not be able to add that portion of weight loss into the mix. Again, i think you'll be OK. I honetly very rarely work out. I hate it so much that I just can't so it on any regular schedule. I'll try to get some activity in- tennis one in a while (but I have a torn rotator cuff that gets aggrivated if I play too long), or a long walk after dinner. You probably won't get as toned as you were before, but if you lower your body fat % by losing weight, I'm sure you'll feel better about yourself. 3. I am not severely overweight - but I'd like to lose 20-25 lbs. Friends tell me I'm crazy to even think about WW, but my body felt better and my clothes fit better when I weighed less. Since the Fibro dx the weight just keeps creeping up, and I'd really like to start seriously managing this. I am disgusted lately every time I look in the mirror and feel terrible about myself, and I think a lot of that is tied to the shape (or not) that my body's in. Whatever. I joined originally planning to lose about 10 pounds. People join all the time that have less to lose! When I look around my meeting, probably only around half of them actually look "fat". I think a lot of people go just for that push to lose those last 10 pounds.
My general thoughts: obviosly, I love WW. I go through phases of doing it religously and slacking and I get frustrated when I don't do as well as I want but its my own fault. When you follow the plan correctly it works. It has definately improved my relationship with food as well- I am much more aware now of what I'm eating, its nutritional value, and gaging if I'm actually hungry vs just wanting a snack. I've learned what things I can do without and what things I absolutely need to keep in my diet in order to be happy (like, I can not live in a world void of cupcakes) and I've learned how to incorporate them into my plan in a healthy way that don't make me feel like I' sabotaging (sp) myself.
I do the points system before flex points came out and just haven't switched over yet. Its almost the same but you get a few more points under flex than I do with mine. I've done it like ILC on and off for a few years and sometimes strict and sometimes not. When I really did it and followed the program like it was designed to be done (no cheating days!!) I lost 25 pounds then I slacked off and never finished to my goal weight. I'm back on it again (starting May1) and I'm basically doing it 4-5 days a week and I've lost about a pound a week with some cardio thrown in. I find the summer months are the easiest time to start because of all the fruits and veggies out there that are easy to get a hold of vs. the winter time when nothing is in season. I think that's why I haven't really done it strictly since I tried to restart in January on it.
That said I definetly think you can lose your 20-25 pounds on WW but it might take you a tad longer if you aren't exercising but oh well exercise isn't for everyone. Its a liveable program and if you want to spend your points on a slice of cake be my guest. Yes its nice to get in the suggested amounts of fruits and veggies and milk in but you don't have to do it every day. I'm hooked on ff yogurt right now so it is keeping my sweet tooth happy. I'm having banana creme pie flavor now and I had key lime yesterday
So I'm hoping to be able to eat "better" and really get a feel for how much I'm putting into my body with WW.
I think this is one of the best things about WW. You have to be accountable for what you eat and write it down when you are counting points. I've tried doing it in my head but it never works because when I go back and think about it I'm usually over my points or under if I'm not careful. I think WW will be able to help you see what you are eating and how you can improve or adjust your habits.
I feel like I am addicted to sugar
This one I'm not sure if WW can really solve. It may just be a psychological thing that you need to train yourself not to eat/crave which may or may not be possible. But I think when you start trying to meet your dairy or fruit/veggie goals and water goals you may not think about sugar as much so it may help.
Thanks, ladies! This makes me feel more encouraged. I have been trying for some time now to train myself away from sugar and eating more healthfully (less processed food, etc) but always seem to revert, and then the sugar cycle sets off a sort of chain reaction. I'd love to crave carrots and apples instead of sweets; if only that were possible.
I think it will be interesting to see if I'm meeting the veggie/dairy/water goals, what happens to the sugar cravings. I am ready to do something other than what I've been able to accomplish alone. My body is not as bad as it could be, but it's making me really unhappy with myself and I want to feel / be healthier.
"Good taste shouldn't have to cost anything extra." - Mickey Drexler
I agree with what everyone else said. Except that I really don't know how much sugar we are talking? I mean for me, I eat something sweet every single day - WW has candies that are low points - 1 or 2 & they have a great chocolate cake thing like a little debbie that is one point - or you can have 2 of the sweet freedom frozen fudge bars for 1 point so sometimes I will eat one in the early day & one at night. That is enough for me to get something sweet in but not pay for it.
Who do you have to probe around here to get a Chardonnay? - Roger the Alien from American Dad
I haven't personally done WW, but my mom has and my best friend is on it now. They both just rave about it, and it looks to me like it's such a great plan, because if you really want to go out to dinner or have dessert, you can totally do that without breaking your diet. It definitely looks more healthy than other diet crazes. As far as only wanting to lose 20-25 lbs, I think WW will be great for that. If I remember correctly, after you lose the weight, they put you on a new points system where you can have a few more, so you can remain at your current weight without gaining or losing any more.
Fashion is art you live your life in. - Devil Wears Prada | formerly ttara123