Elle, I noticed that you posted this under the other thread and said it helped your cuticles, can you tell me more?
Or anyone else have any good products for cuticles/nailcare? My cuticles and nails need some help. They also seem to develop hangnail easily, any way to prevent that? Thanks girls!
Seriously, the L'occitane stuff is unlike any other cream, lotion, or cuticle oil I have ever tried. It beats the tar out of my burts bees cuticle salve. You put this stuff on, and your skin just glistens. All the little hangnails and dry spots just disappear. It's also awesome to slather on your feet at night - it works even better than vaseline at moisturizing tough heels and stuff.
To be yourself in a world that is constantly trying to make you something else is the greatest accomplishment ~ {Ralph Waldo Emerson}