I have been submerged by work (and still am). I am so stressed out and look so bad that 3 people at work have already suggested me to see a doctor. I am going, but he can't see me earlier than June 7th. Oh, and I had almost forgotten: been blown off by a guy very unexpectedtly, just to add more fun to this crappy situation.
Well, here's where I need help. it's a looong list
I am vegan. But when I am having a very baad day, I crave CHEESE!!! Now, not only cheese is not a vegan food, but I don't tolerate it either. So, I feel bad b/c I ate cheese and b/c I feel like crap. No, soy cheese is not an alternative, I have a whole set of issues with soy.
I am gaining weight at a scary speed. Obviously, with all that cheese. And I am so bloated I look 6 months pregnant!!!
My skin is not smooth and clear anymore. It has all those nice little bumps that make me look really beautiful. aarrggh!!!
dark circles around the eyes.
Man, I feel so ugly and fat it is a torture to get dressed in the morning. I start getting depressed right there, and hate myself from that moment 'til the end of the day.
Now, do you have any suggestions on how to fix all this crap, on a short (like, stuff for the bloating and the skin) and long term (like, how to cope with stress without buying the whole cheese supply of NY state)?
Maybe you could meet with a nutritionist? I know that a vegan diet can't be the easiest one to follow, perhaps you've been missing some nutrients without even realizing it. Also, he could help you with your bloating and weight gain!
If you go, keep a diary of what you eat for a week beforehand. I met with a nutritionist a year or two ago, but I hadn't kept a diary, and when she asked me about my eating habits I found it was hard to estimate things.
ETA: I know this is so cliche, but if you can afford it you could try getting a massage every week or two. Recently I was completely stressed out with *everything* and while I was telling my mom everything I just started crying on the phone, which was completely embarassing. But, it ended up being good because when she saw how stressed out I was she paid for me to get a massage. It was the best hour of my life, and I felt completely refreshed afterwards, a feeling which lasted and if I felt frazzled later just remembering my massage made me feel better. I also got this massage at a time when I was at the point of crying over my weight, but I don't think I've ever felt so beautiful as when I looked in the mirror as I was dressing myself after it. (And I really think it helped a lot in that battle)
But! If you can do this, or want to, ask around to see who's good. I got a massage before in a spa, and I thought it was pretty good, but then the person my mom sent me to was also a reflexologist and kind of homeopathic - a lot of the stuff she said was kind of cheesy, but she was also far more calming.
-- Edited by ttara123 at 00:06, 2006-05-10
Fashion is art you live your life in. - Devil Wears Prada | formerly ttara123
Nutritionist: you know, it's really a good idea. In "normal conditions" I am pretty good at balancing my diet. But due to lack of time and energy I haven't paid as much attention as I should lately - example: it's a week now I haven't had rice milk with my breakfast b/c I have no time to go buy it! ANd this is just a stupid example, it has happened for a lot of more things.
Massage: aaaahhh! I went couple of months ago b/c my back was killing me from working standing for 1 week, and she did a wonderful job.And I found her by chance! I should probably keep going, if not once a week, at least once a month. You're right: you feel so beautiful and pampered, it's even difficult to describe. I should be able to afford it, since I am on a "forced" shopping ban.
Thanks again. My brain is so numb I couldn't even come up with those ideas.
Ico, is it possible that you're lactose intolerant? Depending on what kind of cheese you're eating (like blue cheese), you could also be alergic to the mold in it.
Cheese can be kind of hard on the tum anyway, probably even more so to a vegan just because your body gets unused to digesting such things.
Feel better !
To be yourself in a world that is constantly trying to make you something else is the greatest accomplishment ~ {Ralph Waldo Emerson}