I've gotten designer-inspired bags before (Banana Republic does a good job) but because I liked them and they didn't break the bank, not because they looked like someone else's design. My favorite fall bag is a plum suede one from BR that a bunch of people have thought is Gucci, and I had no idea Gucci had a bag like that when I got it, it was only after a number of remarks from strangers. My mom has a bag from TJ Maxx that coincidentally looks like Bottega Veneta, and she'd never heard of that brand until someone complimented her on it. I would not buy something all-out fake like the Louis Vuitton numbers sold on Canal Street in New York -- I figure, who are you trying to impress? The people you most want to impress will know it's fake right away.
I don't have a problem with "knockoffs" per se - but I think you should buy it because it is cute - not because it it is a "prada" or "marc jacobs"
And the ones that are deliberate fakes just look kind of obvious. I much prefer the sort of "inspired by" bags that don't attempt to copy every detail.
I personally can't stand fake LV, Coach or Gucci, or any other knockoffs that are logo-y.But I can definitely appreciate designer-inspired. I think most mall stores carry a version of something that was initially seen on the runway anyway. Also, the trendiness of the item has a lot to do with it for me. I won't hesitate to buy an authentic pair of Chanel sunglasses or Gucci bag that will last me several years, but if it's a trendy piece of clothing or accessory I won't be able to wear after the season, I would rather not spend big bucks on that.
Vanessa wrote: I personally can't stand fake LV, Coach or Gucci, or any other knockoffs that are logo-y.But I can definitely appreciate designer-inspired. I think most mall stores carry a version of something that was initially seen on the runway anyway. Also, the trendiness of the item has a lot to do with it for me. I won't hesitate to buy an authentic pair of Chanel sunglasses or Gucci bag that will last me several years, but if it's a trendy piece of clothing or accessory I won't be able to wear after the season, I would rather not spend big bucks on that. I completely agree.
triple ditto. additionally, for me it boils down to my deep-seeded respect for the creativity of a particular designer. and to a certain extent, i think knockoffs do nothing but rip off someone else's creative vision. it's a kind of plagiarism, in my opinion. also, to clarify, i'm using the term "knockoff" to refer to copies of designer items that try to pass themselves off as the real deal. of course, the other side of the coin is that not everyone can afford designer items so if someone is carrying something that is "inspired by" a designer but isn't an out-and-out copy and doesn't pretend to be something it's not, i'm fine with it.
For bags for whatever reason I absolutely abhor knock-offs and even designer inspired -like those XOXO bags that were trying to be cherry LV and then Dooney & Burke a la Lindsey Lohan.
I don't mind clothes or jewelry that are knock-offs. I have bought both T&Co products that were identical to the real thing right down to gram weights and in my view that is real enough for me since it's style and quality (not name) I was going for anyway. I also will buy knock-off clothing off Ebay. I recently bought a fake Marc Jacobs dress and could care less if it were Marc Jacobs or some no-name brand. I just had to have the dress and was thrilled I could get it for a fraction of what the desingner was selling it for.
Also, I hate fake designer shoes, because they aren't the same quality and tend to hurt just like cheap shoes.
I can't explain why some is ok and not others, it's just how I am. I voted who cares.
Personally, I can't stand fake logo bags or any other fake logo-y item because they are really for people that care more about the status of having a designer item rather than appreciation for a well made purse or piece of clothing. I'd rather spend more $$ on something and be able to wear it to death than get something cheaply made and have it fall apart after a few wears just for the sake of impressing others.
Also, when you buy an authentic purse or whatever you can be pretty sure that it hasn't been produced by some shady sweat shop somwhere w/child workers...or so I like to think.
Absolutely NO to fakes. Not only are they COMPLETELY ILLEGAL (copyright infringement, trademark violations etc.) but most of them are cheap (look a little tacky up close) and, as mentioned made by children in factory's. Plus, from what I've read the profits from these bags usually go to very questionable sources.
As far as knockoff and designer inspired...I go back and forth...I think the bags that replace the LV's with LC or whatver, can get really tacky...I'm even pretty disgusted by Dooney & Burke for coming out with with the Louis monogram knockoff, and I noticed they're trying to knockoff Hermes now...I mean it's one thing to be "inspired" by a bag, but I think it crosses the line when you simply relplace the letters with your own initials....
That's my opinion....
And now my guilty admission...
I got a fake Louis Vuitton Luca Tote for Christmas one year. I actually carried it a few times...people thought it was real...but after the first time someone asked me if it was real, I put it in the top of my closet where it has stayed ever since....I felt like such a liar...a little extreme, I know...but still....
It's pronounced "Johnny," like the boys name....but spelled like an Indian Zuchini.