For the past couple of weeks my hands have started to tingle in the morning, but it usually goes away within a half hour or so. Since Saturday morning though, I've had tingly hands for the better part of the day and it only gets worse when I lay down to go to sleep. Yesterday and today I've felt really spaced out too and my husband even commented that I looked spaced the other day. I've been contemplating going to the doctor, but it usually goes away in the middle of the day and when it's gone, I feel like I was overreacting to begin with.
Has this ever happened to anyone else? I just want to know what the cause of it could possibly be.
Do you work at a computer a lot during the day? It sounds a little like the beginnings of carpal tunnel syndrome. When I was in college, I started waking up to find my hands asleep, or they would go tingly while I was typing. My roomate had carpal tunnel and warned me. I immediately switched to an ergonomic keyboard and it went away. Sometimes my hands will still tingle if I type for a very long time, but it's unusual for it to happen now. I have an ergo keyboard at home and at work. I love them! This is the one I have at work:
My fingers used to be tingly sometimes, too. My wrist was also very painful to bend. Long story short, I had wrist surgery about a month ago. My doctor and surgeon refused to agree that using the mouse/keyboard/etc contributed to my wrist pain. He says it's a myth. I'm not so sure I believe him....
Anyway, I had a cyst in my wrist which was pressing on the nerves in my hand and fingers, causing the tingly feeling. He removed part of my tendon so that a cyst could never form again.
I'm still doing PT exercises to regain full motion of my wrist, but I haven't felt that tingly feeling since. I agree with Bastet that switching to a special keyboard or a mouse pad with wrist support could help. Good luck!
could be a circulatory issue too. I have low blood pressure and my hands/ feet get tingly sometimes. You might also be sleeping on your hands funnily...
I don't know if it's carpal tunnel. The tingles travel up to my arms at night when I lay down. I don't know, maybe I'll just go to the doc, but I didn't want to overreact if it was nothing.
ILOVECHOO that is so weird that same exact feeling has been happening to me! For the past couple of weeks its been my left hand. I would wake up in the morning and my hand was all tingly, it would probably take almost 30 minutes for the tingly feeling to go away.
But just this morning I woke up and it was my whole right arm, I couldn't feel anything at all, I had to use my left arm to move it, then I started feeling the tingly sensation, and finally my arm was back to normal. My dad says its because I may be sleeping on it. But I have noticed when I am on the computer both hands and arms feel really like their straining and sore.
it sounds like a circulatory issue -- but you should 100% go the the doctor. anything that has been going on for more than a few days is worth checking out. the worst thing you can do is ignore medical conditions -- if you have them, they only get worse. and if you don't, then at least you don't have to worry about it.
I've had the same problems, working as a programmer. My problem wasn't carpal tunnel, it was bad posture. I had 3 months of physical therapy and doing yoga helped greatly. But like everyone said, would need to be confirmed by a doctor. Good luck!
I started having chronic pins and needles in my left arm a while ago and I finally went to the doctor after about a year. I mentioned to my doctor that I thought I had poor circulation because my feet fall asleep easily and I have slightly low blood pressure but he said that poor circulation really wasn't likely for someone my age in good health so I have no clue what else could be causing that problem but now I think maybe he was just wrong. Anyway, he referred me to a neurologist to figure out what was wrong with my arm and it was the biggest production. After determining that my left arm was definitely weaker than it should be they did a ton of tests - head and neck MRI, neck sonogram, EKG and EEG, something where they stuck me with needles and gave me little shocks, lots of reflex and strength exercises...and they concluded that there is nothing really wrong with me! I have a small "bony protrusion" in my neck which could be causing it or it could have been a result of my wisdom teeth but basically the neurologist didn't think it was a major problem and it won't get any worse and if I want to I can see if physical therapy improves it at all.
It was so time consuming and a lot of the tests were kind of uncomfortable but I suppose it was good to know that I don't have anything seriously wrong with me. I hope you don't have to go through all that and it is something your regular doctor can help you with!