I'm with theotherjess that exercise is not something I enjoy in the least. It's not the physical activity in itself, it's the exercise just for exercise's sake that gets me .
If I'm being completely honest:
Very modified HIIT workout, 30 min, Mondays and Fridays
Light weights/Abs/Legs, 15 min, Mondays and Fridays
Walk outside, 30 min, usually 6 days of the week if the weather isn't bad
And I consider that alot for me!
To be yourself in a world that is constantly trying to make you something else is the greatest accomplishment ~ {Ralph Waldo Emerson}
I am joing the the lazy ass crowd. I used to do my cardio kickboxing tape 5X's a week but lately i just can't find time, and I don't know why. Epecially now with finals. But I also get lonely exercising by myself. I would love to start running, but I don't want to do it by myself (I am have a fear of being kidnapped: I know I am crazy). When my SIL lived around the corner I used to ride my bike like 7 miles 5x's a week, which i miss because i didn't feel like such a lazy ass.
i'm totally bipolar when it comes to exercising. either i'm 6 times a week or 6 times a year. right now i'm six times a week--here's the schedule:
M: 1 hour step aerobics class
T: 1 hour belly dancing class
W: 1 hour hip hop class
Th: 1 hour step aerobics class
F: 1 hour yoga class
Sat: 1 hour step aerobics class + 1 hour spinning class
Sun: several hours shopping
anyway, obviously i'm a very group activities kinda gal, for me it just keeps things really fun and interesting. good luck and btw, i want to smack your mom, she's an idiot for not seeing the beauty that is blubirde. ((((((((hugs)))))))))
i'm totally bipolar when it comes to exercising. either i'm 6 times a week or 6 times a year.
esquiress- this made me laugh bc i am the exact same way! altho right now unlike you, i'm prob at 6x a year. i havent worked out since jan. i was on a crazy workout schedule and stopped cold turkey - but for some reason i havent gained a pound and have been eating like crazy so i am a bit unmotivated to start back up. i'm sure this strange period is going to end very very soon and i will be back at the gym!
Monday: Cardio and weights (Cardio may be either 30 minutes interval, 1 hour walk, or 1 hour kickboxing -- I do one of each each week. My weight circut is full body and takes about 25 minutes. I do the same one three times each week.) Tuesday: Ballet (1.5hrs) Wednesday: Cardio and weights Thursday: Ballet and another dance class (each 1.5 hours) Friday: Cardio and weights Saturday: Ballet Sunday: usually rest, but sometimes tennis for an hour
ETA: Forgot to say, I do 100 pilates-based abs moves and stretches 5 days a week.
-- Edited by poptart at 23:42, 2006-04-20
Forget, forgive, conclude, and be agreed. - Shakespeare
theotherjess wrote: Maddie wrote: I don't work out. Ha. Now do you feel better?
Me neither.
I feel kinda guilty about it but it's not something I enjoy at all. This summer, however, I'll be doing tons of outdoor activities/exercise as a camp counselor, so that will be good (can you say 250 stairs up to my cabin? Not fun but good for the legs.) Hopefully in college I'll be more motivated due to the Fresh15.
I don't exercise at all! Unless you count walking around campus...
I've gained about 10lbs in the last year, I moved into a small studio apartment, work from home, and ride the bus to school because I'm always too late to walk. So I get about no exercise! I actually kind of like my body as it is as far as how heavy I am (I never thought I'd say that I am happier heavier, but I am! I'm not fat by any means, but I'm a far cry from the stick figure I was three years ago when I first came to college, 5'7" and 110lbs on a heavy day!)
Anyway, I do want to start exercising just because I'm completely out of shape (and to justify the crazy amount of nachos I eat) but I hate schedules. I try to go hiking on pretty weekends with my friends, and I go dancing a few times a week. Other than that? My exercise is the walk to the car to drive to the ice cream store. It's awful
Fashion is art you live your life in. - Devil Wears Prada | formerly ttara123
Back in law school and college - like 6 days a week.
Now that I work...
bar method 2x weekly (sort of ballet class/pilates) - once live and once do the dvd
gym - walking on treadmill or elliptical - like 35 minutes 2x per week
But I think all the anxiety about work and filing briefs/depositions has burned up the calories, so fortunately I haven't gained weight...I've just lost energy and gained some grey hairs :)
i had a really good week in terms of working out, & this is the schedule i'm going to try & stick to. it's not perfect, and i will alternate running outside on sat. & sun. weather permitting. i'm trying to lose weight so hopefully i can stick to some variation of this for the duration of the summer.
M -- arms
T -- legs & 45 min HIIT
W-- arms & 45 min HIIT
Th -- rest, but i usually end up walking a ton on my day off b/c i go window shopping after work
F -- legs & 35 min HIIT
S -- arms (using free weights & any machines i didn't get to during the week) & 30 min elliptical
Sun -- arms (using free weights) & 30 min elliptical
also i want to thank Jen for introducing me to HIIT. it makes life so much better, mainly b/c i don't get nearly as bored as i used to be just running on the treadmill.